Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Christmas to Remember

Well the excitement is over!  Christmas was lots of fun this year, with our little princess Elise celebrating with us for the first time ( she turns one this coming Sunday).

   Due to multiple families and the weather ( this is Minnesota after all) we actually had several Christmases this year.  Christmas Eve morning we had our traditional breakfast with the kids and grandkids ( great homemade caramel rolls, Gramma!) and then opened presents and let Jack, Wes and Elise play with their new toys. ( Jack and Wes love to come to our house at Christmas time, as Gramma turns our home into a winter wonderland of lights, ceramic villages and characters, and decorations).  Normally we would then have had my side of the family at our house for our Norwegian Christmas Eve dinner of Lutefisk, lefse, meatballs, etc.  We had a snowstorm this year that caused enough attendees to fear traveling that we postponed the evening tradition until Saturday.  While the postponement was disruptive to the schedule, it was actually nice to have a peaceful day with the Sean, Beckie and the grandkids.  We were able to enjoy visiting, going to afternoon church, and watching the kids play with their new toys.

 I got the boys a slot car racing set, which was a huge hit with both them and their dad ( as I told Beckie, it was a gift for all three of her boys. She also said she really didn't object to the gift.  I thought I'd be in trouble with her for getting the boys another big toy that is hard to store.)  The slot car set has a police car and a Mustang, or as Jack said, "the bad guys" and the chase was on for most of the afternoon.  Kudos to Sean for getting it set up and running.

  Christmas day morning, we got up and drove on the icy highways to my wife's niece's home about 50 miles south of us for her side's celebration. The highlights there were a new baby's first Christmas ( Brodie, who is seven months old), Lucy the beagle chasing Jack,  intimidating Wes, and fascinating Elise, the game of Pictionary with Christmas carol titles, and all the great food.

Saturday was the postponed celebration with my side of the family, with great-gramma, and all my brothers and their families. Pat's Lutefisk was great, and great-gramma's Swedish meatballs were once again a hit.   By the end of the day ( and the Christmas marathon ) we were all tired, and I think the grandkids were actually tired of being gone from home and their routines for three days.  At this stage of our lives, it becomes truly clear that Christmas really is for children, and we are lucky enough to be able to enjoy their delight and wonder during this special time of year.

     The  next big event is Elise's first birthday this coming Sunday, and I'm sure another post will be generated for this special occasion.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Who Said Scandihoovians Aren't Funny by Nature?

As a mixed breed Scandinavian, I celebrate certain Christmas traditions of the old country(ies).  One of those is Lutefisk on Christmas Eve.  A Christmas carol has been known to be sung to Lutefisk on this special night.
It is sung to the tune of O TANNENBAUM ( O CHRISTMAS TREE  for you non-Nordics).  Enjoy!

1. O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk, how fragrant your aroma
O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk, you put me in a coma.
You smell so strong, you look like glue,
You taste yust like an overshoe.
But Lutefisk, come Saturday,
I tink I eat you anyvay.

2. O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk, I put you in duh doorvay.
I vanted you to ripen up, yust like dey do in Norvay.
A dog came by and sprinkled you,
I hit him vit my overshoe.
O Lutefisk now I suppose
I'll eat you vhile I hold my nose.

3. O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk, how vell do I remember,
On Christmas Eve how ve'd receive our big treat of December.
It vasn't turkey or fried ham.
It vasn't even pickled Spam.
My Mudder knew dere vas no risk
In serving buttered Lutefisk.

4. O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk, now everyvun discovers
Dat Lutefisk and lefse make Norvegians better lovers.
Now everyvun can have a ball,
You're better dan dat Yeritol.
O Lutefisk vit Brennevin ( brandy)
You make me feel like Errol Flynn.

5. O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk, you have a special flavor.
O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk, all good Norvegians savor.
Dat slimy slab ve know so vell,
Identified by ghastly smell.
O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk,
Our loyalty von't vaver.

A true musical classic of the Season.

two of my favorite Ole and Lena jokes:

Whenever Ole went out with the boys, he always took Lena along. Ice fishing, playing cards, bowling - Lena was always there.  One day Sven asked Ole,  " Ole, how come you take Lena along vherever you go? "
"Vell Sven, dis vay I never have to kiss her goodbye."

Lena filed for divorce from Ole.
The judge told Ole  " I'm going to give Lena $400 a month for support"
Old replied,  "Dat's real good, yudge, and vunce in a vhile I'll try to chip in a few bucks myself"


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nearing Christmas

We finished up Christmas shopping today.  Buying for the grandkids is fun, the rest is a chore ( I guess I shouldn't look at it that way, but I'm just not a crowds guy).  I bought the boys a special common gift this year, in hopes that it would enhance their "playing together" experience.  Their mom doesn't know what it is, and I plan on keeping it that way until they open it on Christmas Eve.  I'll probably be in trouble with Mom and Dad, but I know the boys will love it.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Christmas Program for the Ages ( specifically 4 )

Last night we attended Jack's first Sunday school Christmas program.  He was definitely a standout for a rookie.  That's him in the center with the red tie and a blue star next to his head.  He is a handsome young lad.  His performance with the star-on-a-stick waving and bell ringing was first rate.  His singing still needs a little work, but overall he was a standout.  His great gramma joined us and had a great time.  This is one of those milestones for the kids and parents and grandparents that will be remembered for years, and will be used to tease him when he brings home his bride-to-be.  He's quite a boy, and a special first grandchild. 

A Happy Birthday for a Happy 4 Year Old

Jack turned 4 on Dec 6. On Dec 5 we attended his birthday party.  Both sets of grandparents, his great gramma, and parents best friends were there ( with their 5 boys!  Poor Elise is the lone female among the kids)  A great time was had by all,eating pizza, having Lego cake and ice cream, singing happy birthday, and opening presents.  Jack got a set of walkie talkies from Grampa and Gramma, so we can now play " Calling all police to catch the bad guys" with some real equipment.   Jack is a bright, imaginative and happy boy, and we couldn't be prouder of him.